federal ndp leader jagmeet singh


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
LILLEY: Another poll signals a trend as Liberals fall and NDP rise
Brian Lilley
October 12, 2019
October 12, 2019 8:45 PM EDT
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer. NICHOLAS KAMM / Gino Donato / Azin Ghaffari / Getty Images / Postmedia Network / Postmedia Calgary
Can we officially call this a trend now?
Over the last three days we have had three major polling firms release new surveys showing the Liberals falling below 30% in voter support and the NDP rising.
The numbers vary slightly but the trend line is clear, voters, especially younger voters, are turning towards Jagmeet Singh and away from Justin Trudeau.
Campaign Research is joining Angus Reid and DART in showing the NDP rise and Liberal fall.
A poll of 4,037 Canadians conducted from Oct. 8-10 shows the Conservatives leading nationally with 31% support, the Liberals at 29% and the NDP at 19%. That compares to Campaign Research’s poll released a week ago that showed the Conservatives at 34%, Liberals at 32% and NDP at 6%.
Campaign Research noted a major uptick in Singh’s leadership approval numbers last week and pollster Nick Kouvalis said this poll shows the personal appeal of Singh is translating into voter support.
“This is a big jump and is having the most significant impact in British Columbia where there are 42 seats up for grabs, in Ontario where there are 121 seats up for grab and in Atlantic Canada, where there are 32 seats available,” Kouvalis said.
The polling also shows Singh and the NDP now lead among all parties with younger voters with 35% of voters aged 18-24 saying they would back the NDP if an election were held today. The Liberals take 24% of that age group, the Conservatives 20% and Greens 15%.
Justin Trudeau and the Liberals lead among voters 25-34 while Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives lead among all age groups above 35.
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When it comes to having voters sewn up, the polling shows that once again, Conservatives are more likely to have the more committed voters while NDP and Liberal voters are more open to changing their minds before voting day.
Kouvalis said if the trend continues the NDP is poised to win seats in British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and across Atlantic Canada.
“With the sudden and astronomical rise that Jagmeet Singh has experienced, I wouldn’t count him nor the NDP out as replacing the Liberals and becoming the chief opponent to the Conservatives in the final stretch of this election campaign”, Kouvalis said.
That means one thing, just as Andrew Scheer has been getting more scrutiny from the media as it started to look like the Conservatives could replace the Liberals in forming a minority government, so too will Singh come under greater scrutiny.
With the debates over and the parties all having released their platforms, the focus will be intense on past statements, the cost of promises and what each party will bring to the table in what is surely to be a post-election minority Parliament.
As for the Liberals, the drop for Trudeau and rise of Singh couldn’t come at a worse time. Momentum is a hard thing to stop and Singh has momentum. We can expect the Liberals to lash out at both the NDP and Conservatives in an attempt to save seats and power.
We’ve already seen the Liberals say if the Conservatives win the most seats they will be kept in power by the separatist Bloc Quebecois. This week we can expect them to tell voters considering the NDP that a vote for Singh is a vote for Scheer.
The saying is that a week is a long time in politics. But will it be long enough for the Liberals to stop their free fall?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Separatists like pigs and probably you most certainly hate Canada as you want to destroy it. My "ilk" is irrelevant.


Comrade Curious is a TYPICAL LIE-beral who MISTAKENLY thinks that faux indignation is an effective rebuttal in debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact is that LIE-berals and their civil service union HOG ALLIES ALL LOVE Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because they have profited so nicely from treating us as the Sucker Nation of the world for so long now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals whine that Doug Ford broke Ontari-owe law by killing the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax SCAM WITHOUT first indulging in 30 days worth of “consultations” with the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals IGNORE REALITY - in the form of the 2018 Ontari-owe election in which Ford CONSISTENTLY STATED that if elected he would kill the LIE-beral carbon SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So NOT ONLY DID Ford offer up 30 days worth of consultation - he also GOT VOTER SUPPORT for his desire to kill the carbon SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thios of course is the GREAT ISSUE for LIE-berals and the reason for their SOUR GRAPES - that THEY WOULD BE REJECTED in favour of Ford - who most LIE-berals regard as a mouth breathing Troglodyte!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral HATE of Ford is related to BRUISED EGOS and lost gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would it not have been easier to pay for kids Autism treatment in Ontari-owe if LIE-berals had not wasted a BILLION dollars on the gas plant scandal???????

Would it not be easier to pay our bills if LIE-berals had not decided that hugely costly green energy price gouging was the solution to our govt debt problems?????

And would it not be easier to pay our bills if LIE-berals had not spent so very much money BUYING civil service union HOG votes???????????????

Why is it that the people who are most likely to tell us not to worry about our huge debts- are the very people who benefit most from that govt debt?????????

Why is it that teachers cry about Ford education cuts - even though his budget is two billion dollars HIGHER than the LIE-beral version????????????????

No wonder our kids cannot do math when their teachers consider a two billion dollar add on AS A CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is it that teachers cry about the Ford mandated “devastation” in schools -but it is actually SCHOOL BOARDS who will be making most of the cuts - to support staff, school cleaning and to heat and maintenance in order to give teachers the gravy they feel entitled to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it fair that teachers with their monopoly stranglehold on education - should be able to FORCE elected leaders to cannibalize other sections of the system in order to dig up MORE GRAVY FOR TEACHERS????????????????????????

Toronto Sun writer Christina Blizzard did an article on the gross IMBALANCE Wynne-bag LIE-berals were promoting - in which funding for teachers rose FIFTY PERCENT FASTER than did funding for health - IN SPITE of the falling number of kids in our school system - and the SOARING NUMBER of patients needing medical care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it fair to sick people that LIE-berals have decided that it is easier to buy votes from the education system than from the health care system and thus patients can be LIE-berally SCREWED with rationed health care - based on LIE-beral lust for power and need for votes??????????????????????????

Why is it that when a civil servant getting ONE THIRD MORE pay than a person in the private sector doing the same job- has a wage freeze- it is a sign of Conservative govt dictatorship - but when a govt union with a monopoly stranglehold on an essential service GOES TO WAR with our elected govt for more gravy -the HOGS Claim they are merely asking for fairness???????????????

How fair is it that a bunch of HOGS - who represent ONLY A MINORITY OF CDNS feel entitled to BULLY an elected govt that is struggling to keep us from sliding into bankruptcy thanks to RECORD levels of LIE-beral debt????????????

Teachers tell us that if they do not get the gravy they are demanding - then our KIDS WILL SUFFER- with lower graduation rates and lesser job skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do teachers not care that they sound just like MAFIA GOONS selling their “protection service” to shop owners?????????????????????


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Large crowd at the advance polls this afternoon .


Voter turn out for advanced polls UP by 25 percent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My previous statements that LIE-berals might just have so completely goaded and pissed off.................

the Silent Majority who dont usually vote....................................

that THIS TIME AROUND they are going to come out in LARGE NUMBERS...........................

and sweep LIE-berals away in a wave of public anger and disgust...................................................

might just be getting PROVEN AS ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Voter turn out JUMPED 49 percent when Rob Ford was elected mayor of HOGtown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Harris got the LARGEST MANDATE ever given to an Ontari-owe premier when he ran for the second term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give Cdns a strong and CLEAR CHOICE and they WILL Act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are now quaking in their boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ERASE the LIE-beral party..................................

FOR THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Jagmeet Singh and his Versace bag set Canadians off
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Published Nov 27, 2023 • Last updated 1 day ago • 2 minute read
Jagmeet Singh carrying a Versace bag.
Jagmeet Singh spotted in Toronto on Nov. 23, 2023, carrying a Versace bag. PHOTO BY WE ARE CANADA PROUD /Instagram
It’s one thing to hear people, whether it be celebrities or politicians, say they are just like us normal folks.

But when it’s not backed up, the regular average Joes and Jills will always have something to say.

Take federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who blames the rich for everything and moans and groans about unaffordability for Canadians but then sports a Rolex on his wrist and rides a fancy folding bike.

He has tried to paint property investors as the worst of the worst yet his wife owns a rental property in B.C.

It’s fine if Singh wants to wear expensive, tailored clothes or that Mrs. Singh is a landlord; it’s the hypocrisy that results in eye rolls.

So to no one’s surprise, a photo of Singh surfaced on social media last week, showing the NDP leader was in Toronto holding a Versace bag — and that had many seeing red.

It’s unclear if it is a Versace shopping bag or a tote with the designer name emblazoned loudly on the side but whatever the case, it rankled those who like to bust Singh’s chops over his champagne socialism.

“Champagne socialist Jagmeet Singh spotted with a Versace tote bag yesterday,” the Instagram account for We Are Canada Proud posted.

Another reposted the photo with the comment, “Jagmeet ‘understands’ the difficulties facing Canadians,” while adding a forehead-smacking emoji.

Rebel News’ Tamara Ugolini wrote, “NDP leader Jagmeet Singh parades a Versace tote while staying at the Sheraton in Toronto yesterday.”

She added: “Despite his party’s purported focus on ‘workers’ rights’ and ‘income inequality,’ Singh is known for lavish taste and bespoke suits. More hypocrisy from the bureaucracy.”

Singh did have his share of defenders.

“Why does it matter how HE CHOOSES to spend his money,” one person asked, while another added, “Wow! If he wants to buy something from Versace so what??? Who’s paying for it anyway??”

However, the common response was “the Canadian taxpayers.”

One user commented, “Don’t get me wrong, we all like nice things. But it seems inappropriate and hypocritical for a leader who’s advocating for income equality to be acting this way.”